Friday, December 16, 2011

Mom has a picture book with a penis

So we think its about the time to have some uncomfortable discussions with Mackenzie. I got some books from the library the other day to help with this. I am sitting at the kitchen table this morning looking through them to make sure they don't contain too much information and Dharma happens by. "What's that? What's this? What's that?" I answer her questions. Why? I don't know. One would think that by now I would know better than to give her anymore information than she already has.

Fast forward 5 minutes. The old lady next door comes by to drop off dog treats for Christmas. As I stand at the door talking to her Dharma walks up. Instead of saying 'hello' or 'hi' or even 'go away', Dharma says "Mom has a picture book with a penis."

Yep. I could not get the front door closed fast enough.


  1. I can not wait for another installment of as the Dharma turns...LOL

  2. Dharma has already conquered the world. We simply haven't realized it yet.

  3. I love her I love her I love her (thank goodness she's not my child)!!!!!!!
