Saturday, April 25, 2015

The Movies and the Cop

Dharma had a birthday party to go to tonight at the movie theater at the mall. It was supposed to be over at 7. At 7:15 the kids started coming out. Except Dharma. Then Mackenzie and I heard another kid say, "Did you see what dharma did?" And then they all started laughing.

At the same time Mackenzie and I looked at each other and said, "Oh God."

That's when the cops walked in.

Another minute passed before Dharma and the last few kids came out. I looked around for the cops to see if they were coming our way.

On our way out of the theater I asked Dharma about what she did that the other kids were talking. I guess she just got up at the end and was dancing making everyone laugh.

As we were walking out the cops were there. One was nice enough to turn the lights on and let Dharma take a picture by her car.

I don't imagine this will be the last time I assume cops nearby are there for Dharma.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

She shares her birthday with...

Dharma asked me the other day what other things have happened on her birthday. I looked it up and found the following:

1837     Charles Goodyear received his first patent
1885     The Statur of Liberty arrived in New York City
1910     Lady Mosley died
1928     Amerlia Earhart began the flight (as a passenger) which made her the first woman to fly across the Atlantic
1950     Dr Richard Lawler performed the first kidney transplant in Chicago, IL
1963     The Supreme Court ruled against bible reading and prayer in public schools
1965     The Kinks arrived in NYC for their first US tour
1967     The first Chinese hydrogen bomb explodes
1970     Led Zeppelin began their last European tour
1988     Microsoft releases MS DOS 4.0

I wasn't sure what she was going to do with the information, but in true Dharma fashion, she promply turned to her sister, stuck out her tongue, and said "Na Na."

(information from and