The other day we walked to the ice cream parlor down by the river. On the way there I noticed a homeless man sitting by the river, having a beer (or a few), listening to music. It was a pretty warm night for May in Chicagoland. We walked by without thinking much of it. About a black past I went back and asked the man if we could get him some ice cream, too. He declined, but his friend who had joined him said he would take the ice cream if I did not mind - rainbow sherbet if they had it. I knew they wouldn't have that at this particular shop known for it's unique home made flavors, so I asked if there was anything he couldn't have and told them I would return.
We went and got our ice cream and walked back to the men. Dharma engaged them in conversation immediately. She told them her name and what flavor she picked out. She talked to them about a lot of small niceties. We gave the gentleman his ice cream (Lemon ice was the closest to shebet that they had) and we went on our way.
Dharma didn't ask about the men and so I didn't bring it up again. But I hope that these small experiences will stay with her and as she travels through her life she will continue to "Pay it Forward."
Next weekend we are going into Chicago and I am thinking of picking up a tradition I had with my older daughter, which had gone wayside in the last few years. I would purchase gift cards or bring extra sandwiches and she would give them to a few homeless people of her choosing - picking people that, for some reason, stuck out to her.
My kids are not perfect, and they are not always nice, but I am hoping that deep down I am raising girls who will continue to care about their communities as they grow older.