I got Dharma a Pre-K book and we were going through it. One of the pages she was suppose to circle what was different. She did really well. Until she got to the last line. When she got to the last line there were the following pictures: A Train, A Car, A Cow and An Airplane.
Dharma says, "These three don't belong." pointing to the train, car and airplane.
"Yes, but if you could only choose ONE that was different, which would it be?" I asked.
"These three."
"But what if you had to pick one. Not three. One. Which ONE is different?"
"No mom. These three are different than the cow."
I sighed. "So does that mean the cow is different from the other three?"
"NO! I'm not circling the cow! I know you want me to, but I'm not."
I always know better than to ask, but I always do anyway, "Why? What's wrong with the cow?"
"If I circle the cow, he can't get out and he'll be sad."
So she circled the other three. A year from now she'll start Kindergarten. Good luck, future teacher. Good luck.