Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Baby Daddy

I was waiting to pull into the gas station and Dharma says to me (out of nowhere), "I know how daddies make babies."

"Oh?  You do?"

"Yes."  She says in her normal confident way.

"And how's that?" I should have known better than to have asked.

"Daddies know how to make babies with their penis."

She knows that pregnant women have babies in their bellies, so I can't wait for her to see a pregnant woman.  That conversation, I'm sure, will be another post.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Miss Barbara

Me: Dharma, what'd you do in school today?
Dharma: I don't remember.
Me: Did you play?
Dharma: I think so.
Me: What'd you play with?
Dharma: I don't remember.
Me: Dharma?
Dharma: Yes?
Me: What color shirt did your teacher have on today?
Dharma: Green.  And it was beautiful, mom.  I love Miss Barbara.  She has the best shirts.  They are so pretty.  I wish she would let me wear some of her pretty shirts, mom.  Miss Barbara is my favoritest teacher ever mom!

Obviously, Dharma does not go to school for the socialization with the other children.  It's ALL about Miss Barbara.