Friday, December 21, 2012

2012 Dharmaisms

"A reindeer with a lighted nose? That's so stupid. How do you think I can believe that crap?"

"He remembers me!"  (said when Santa winked at her when he arrived at the Commons in Geneva).

"Don't get the fungus on me!"  (said to Kenzie when she put her foot on Dharma).

"Mom, if a dinosaur snaps you up, I'll get snapped up with you, that's how much I love you."

"How much longer is this going to take?"  (to the dentist after she'd been in the chair for all of 5 seconds).

"Mom...Mom...I don't want that lady standing near me. Mom? Make her go away from me I don't like her!"
(about some random lady in line behind us at the store).

"It's Kenzie's fault.  She left the lip gloss in my room."

Dharma:   Mom, this is how I hold my sword before I hit a bad guy with it.
Me:  Dharma, that's not a sword. Its a golf club shaped like a carrot.

Dharma:  Wanna bet?

"Mom, I don't want you to explode because I love you."

"Feel better, Bonnie
I hope your toe doesn't hurt
Feel better, Bonnie
And you better not get blood on any of my things like my toys or Boo-Boo."

(sang to one of our fosterdogs when I cut her nail too short and got the quick).

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